As a common alcoholic beverage, wine contains a rich variety of essential trace elements, such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and others. These trace elements play a significant role across multiple dimensions:
1. From a dietary perspective, as natural components of wine, these elements reflect the rich minerals and trace elements in wine, offering guidance for consumers in making healthy choices.
2. In terms of health impact, some elements (such as As, Br, Cd, Zn) can have potential effects on the human body. Therefore, ensuring that their levels are within legally safe limits is crucial.
3. In quality evaluation and traceability, the content of trace elements is closely related to the storage, origin, vintage, and making process of the wine. Through precise analysis, the authenticity and quality of wine can be verified, tracing its origin and providing scientific evidence for industry research and market regulation.
Therefore, in-depth analysis of trace elements in wine is particularly important.
2.Test Method
Currently, the analysis of trace elements in wine generally relies on high-resolution techniques such as Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), and Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF). Compared to traditional AAS or ICP-AES methods, TXRF technology can simultaneously measure multiple elements, with a simple sample preparation process that does not require acidification or digestion, significantly reducing costs. It provides strong technical support for rapid, non-destructive detection of trace elements in wine.
In this experiment, LANScientific portable Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer TX3000 was used to analyze trace elements in a commercially available wine.
TX3000 portable TXRF Spectrometer, with its outstanding performance, is capable of accurately measuring a wide range of trace elements in wine. It provides solid scientific support for verifying the authenticity of wine, tracing the geographical origin, and understanding production process. The application of TXRF not only simplifies the sample preparation process but also significantly improves the speed and testing accuracy, bringing innovative power to quality control, market regulation, and academic research in the wine industry.